posted by Sheryl Barden on June 26, 2019

Earlier this year, I (Sheryl Barden) had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bill Garvey, the Editor of “Business & Commercial Aviation,” one of the industry’s premier trade publications.In every

posted by Jill Henning on May 17, 2019

Parenting and relationships can be tough for families in many industries.But those who travel for a living (or have a spouse who does so) have an extra set of challenges

posted by Sheryl Barden on May 2, 2019

We are now in the third year of an unprecedented shortage of pilots, and the situation is not going to get better quickly. There simply are not enough pilots in

posted by Sheryl Barden on April 12, 2019

One of the most pressing issues facing business aviation is the shortage of pilots and maintenance professionals. And because of those shortages, most aviation organizations are modifying their total compensation

posted by Sheryl Barden on December 14, 2018

Several corporate aviation workforce issues are hot right now. And retaining our pilots and maintenance technicians is chief among them. That’s why I decided to interview two pilots who left

posted by Sheryl Barden on November 28, 2018

 I was in a deep leather chair on the fourth floor of the University Club on San Francisco’s Nob Hill viewing a downtown obscured in a smoke haze generated by

posted by Jill Henning on November 13, 2018

Imagine hearing: “I want to earn a million dollars a year flying a G650 with a tight-knit crew, travel to the most exotic destinations in the world, and work only

posted by Jill Henning on November 9, 2018

With the holidays so quickly approaching, it’s a great time to show our appreciation for those who support us throughout the year.Whether it’s our staff, vendors, industry colleagues, bosses, travelers,

posted by Sheryl Barden on August 20, 2018

We’ve all heard the phrase, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”And it applies to some recent conversations I’ve had with both pilots and maintenance

posted by Jill Henning on July 16, 2018

At a recent Florida Aviation Business Association (FABA) conference, a retention-related topic called the “success penalty" arose. Admittedly, I’d never heard that phrase, but once one of the panelists began