posted by Jill Henning on January 11, 2024

This article about chief pilots originally appeared in the NBAA Jan/Feb issue of Business Aviation Insider publication. Business aviators who aspire to become chief pilots should keep in mind that

posted by Sheryl Barden on June 30, 2023

Pilot simulator photo courtesy of CAE via AINonline for Barden’s June 2023 AINsight column: Navigating the Pilot Sim Training Slot Issue Not too long ago, several aviation directors asked me

posted by Sheryl Barden on July 24, 2021

“Our flight department needs to replace two pilot positions, but I can’t action the requisition until demand picks up.”In the past week, I’ve heard this statement by aviation hiring managers

posted by Jennifer Pickerel on July 29, 2019

Are pilot pay, benefits and quality of life the keys to retention during the talent shortage?Here at Aviation Personnel International, we happen to think so.After all, business aircraft owners and

posted by Sheryl Barden on May 2, 2019

We are now in the third year of an unprecedented shortage of pilots, and the situation is not going to get better quickly. There simply are not enough pilots in

posted by Sheryl Barden on April 12, 2019

One of the most pressing issues facing business aviation is the shortage of pilots and maintenance professionals. And because of those shortages, most aviation organizations are modifying their total compensation

posted by Sheryl Barden on December 14, 2018

Several corporate aviation workforce issues are hot right now. And retaining our pilots and maintenance technicians is chief among them. That’s why I decided to interview two pilots who left

posted by Sheryl Barden on November 28, 2018

 I was in a deep leather chair on the fourth floor of the University Club on San Francisco’s Nob Hill viewing a downtown obscured in a smoke haze generated by

posted by Jennifer Pickerel on May 14, 2018

If you’ve ever been promoted from within your flight department, chances are you’ve experienced moving from someone’s “buddy” to someone’s “boss.”Suddenly being the leader of one or more of your

posted by cgadmin on July 5, 2017

With so many critical changes occurring in the aviation industry—most notably the pilot shortage—we’re hearing more and more from our API Registered Professionals.Many are telling us they are relatively happy